Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Remember When....

I have been trying to be more intentional about creating memories with the kids. It just kind of hit me that they will look back on this time in their childhood and remember the things we did together. So often it is easy to sit back and let them play together and not engage in their fun. Moms, you know that we are so involved in other aspects of parenting (helping with homework, baths, meals, etc.) that when it comes time for playing, sometimes we just feel like kicking up our feet and watching.

Anyway, I took the two ruffians down to the beach by myself last Sunday. And as much as that beach chair was calling my name, I did not sit down much.

We made sand castles....

And buried a mummy......

And went swimming in the turquoise waters and tried to catch a fish....

We played frisbee and football and went for a walk down the beach and chased seagulls. It was fun. :)

I need to remember to wear all of my "Mom" hats, not just the organizer, family caretaker ones.

Sometimes that "Fun Mom" hat gets lost in the closet!

What are your favorite ways to make memories with your kids?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Birthday Party Fun

Caroline had her birthday party at Pizza by the Sea on Friday after school. She and the girls from her class made their own pizzas, played outside, and had cake. My camera ran out of juice about halfway through the party, and my phone was dead as well (can you see a pattern here? I have issues about keeping electronics charged.) But I did manage to capture a few shots.

Her beloved Pokemon cake....

Lining up to wash hands.....

Ready to make a pizza!

Our manager Roy was great with the girls!

Enjoying the finished product!

Love this pic... one of Caroline's little friends ate out the center of her pie.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

7 years ago........

we welcomed our daughter into the world. She has been such a blessing in the life of our family!
She is sweet, independent, spunky, smart, full of energy, full of attitude, tough enough to hang with the boys, loves Pokemon and Barbies, dislikes eating breakfast and going to bed, and can eat more sushi than most adults. I cannot wait to see what God has planned for her!

Here a few of my favorite pictures of Miss Caroline Marie.....

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

School, Soccer, and Sea Creatures

Hello! Hope everyone is having a good week so far. This weekend just flew by-- can we please just slow down time a little? Whew.

We started the weekend Friday with the Fun Fest at school. I was so impressed with it! It is one of the major fundraisers for Bay Elementary, and the PTO does it up right. Games, bounce houses, horse rides, bungee jumps, food, silent auction items, cupcake walk, to name a few.

I love this pic-- Caroline is not too sure about holding this guinea pig, but Alex looks right at home!

Can you say sugar overload? Ay Carumba!

The bungee is always a hit, even if you have to stand in line for at least 45 minutes.

Saturday morning, Alex had his first soccer game. The Sting put in a great effort and had a good time out on the field. Unfortunately the Celtic overpowered them in a 6-0 loss for the Sting. He had a good attitude about it though. Proud of him!

After a little shopping at Target for Caroline's birthday party favors, we had some beach time.

The water was magnificent! Clear and smooth.

After many failed attempts, Alex finally caught a big crab out in the water.

He entertained us for a while after the jellyfish floated up and we had to get out of the water. Doesn't it look like he's playing tug -of-war?

Sunday was church, housework, and homework! We are getting ready for a birthday this week (okay, maybe 2, but one doesn't count!) More to come!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Daily Blessings

Whew! It was a busy week. Nothing really extraordinary going on, but just the daily routine of caring for the family, working, activities, etc. You all know how it is-- trying to keep everything balanced. So tonight, I am like my friend here to the left. Trying hard to keep my eyes propped open. {I actually took this picture at Black Pine Animal Refuge last spring}.

In lieu of anything exciting other than my everyday life, I am recapping some random pictures and thoughts.
Blessings from the past few months.

We miss Mrs. P. our piano teacher of 6 years. She is amazing and has such a way with my children. And I miss her as a friend and sister in Christ.

Here she is with my kids during a group lesson. She made learning so much fun for them.

Yes, we have found a piano teacher here in Florida and she is great! But we still REALLY miss Mrs. P.

She was a blessing to us for many years!

My kids at Easter. Jason was already living in Florida so it was just the three of us. As hard as this time was for us, the kids and I really learned some things -- I learned that I could do a lot of things by myself, and the kids learned to be independent and be good helpers to me. I could not have done it without my God and the help of friends and family. I definitely grew in my relationship with Jesus during this time. Trusting in Him and his timing strengthened my love for him and my patience in general. My Scripture spiral got worn out!

My girl learned to ride her bike with no training wheels in April, too! I love how determined she looks here. We had lots of fun practicing in the afternoons while Alex was still in school.

This was taken the first week we moved down to Florida. As soon as Alex saw the dish pit at the restaurant, he was in heaven. {For those of you who do not know my first born, he is facinated by plumbing, dishwashers, machines in general}. So we let him strap on an apron and wash a few dishes.

Love this picture, and can't wait to show this to his future wife! :)

I am so thankful that God led us on this path. Even though we miss our family and friends terribly, we know this is where we are supposed to be. We have found a great church with lots of ministry opportunities, and we look forward to meeting more people. Still praying that God places poeple in our lives who will help us continue to be His disciples here in FL, and help us serve others through our business.

Whew. Sorry for the novel. Thank you for sticking with me:) You are a blessing to me. Nighty Nite!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Busy Week!

It has been a busy but fun week here at casa de Beer. My mom and grandma flew in on Monday (in the midst of the 70 mph winds of the tropical storm) and we have all been enjoying spending time with them!

We picked them up at the airport Monday afternoon, but Alex wanted me to snap this photo of our newest friend hanging out near our orange tree by the front door. He found him right before we left for the airport, and he has been seen all week long hopping around in our landscaping. Alex is sure it is the same toad every time he sees him.

Alex had his first soccer practice on Wednesday. He was so excited to get out there and kick the ball around. Mom and Grandma got to see him practice too, and he loved having an audience.

On Thursday, the girls all went shopping and to see "the Help" which was amazing. If you can see it before it leaves the theatres, I highly recommend it!

Friday, I had a much needed haircut and color, then we headed over to Mom's for swimming and dinner.

Love this view!

The water was a bit chilly.... we have had gorgeous weather this week (low 80's) but at night it has gotten down in the high 50's.

So they retreated to the hot tub to warm up. Alex saved 4 frogs from imminent death.

One of his almost-victims. I have to admit he was cute, for a frog. I am not a fan of anything that's slimy and jumps or slithers.

This child never ceases to make me smile.

Once we put all of the frogs back to their habitats, we went to work on dinner. Or Mom and Grandma did with some help from Alex.

Grandma's spaghetti and meatballs would be my last meal. I have tried and tried to replicate her recipe, but it never tastes as good. I think she is holding out some secret ingredient:)

We celebrated Caroline's birthday a few weeks early. Sis was happy to get some presents and blow out her candles. She will be 7 on the 21st of this month. Can someone please stop her from growing up?

Four generations....

The evening ended with a sleepover for the kids at grandma's house, and mommy and daddy got to go watch the sunset at Seaside.

Having family around has been wonderful!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Tropical Storm Lee

We experienced our first tropical storm this weekend (which basically means a lot of rain and some wind.) After being stuck inside most of Friday and Saturday, we ventured out for a walk on the beach Sunday afternoon.

The double red flags were flying, so no swimming.

Rough surf.....

The surf had come clear up to the boardwalk steps.

A lot of people had the same idea..... cabin fever was setting in. It felt good to get out and take a stroll among the washed up jelly fish. :) Caroline was not a fan.

I feel badly for the tourists who came in town for a long Labor Day weekend vacation. It has been rotten beach weather. But it has been good for relaxing! Hope you had a good holiday weekend!