Sunday, October 30, 2011

Busy Busy!

The weeks are just flyin' by as we go about work, school and activities. Before we know it, it will be Christmas. Here's a little catch up on what we have been up to:

My parents were in town for the week so the kids got to spend some time with them! They loved it, of course, having grandma and grandpa's attention. The kids had a half day of school Wednesday, so we hung out with them for the afternoon. Somehow my dad eluded the camera all week, but here's a good one of Mom!

Nature boy aka the frog whisperer

Playing whiffle ball in the field...

Here's a few pics from the Boo Bash we had on Thursday at Pizza by the Sea. We had a face painter/balloon artist come for all of the kids--it was a great time had by all. So many cute costumes..... go to to see them all!

Caroline had her friend over for a play date Friday after school, and this was their creation at Pizza by the Sea.

Saturday brought soccer, and the pizza party after soccer.... Nothing like feeding a bunch of hungry boys pizza!

Saturday afternoon we decided to go down to Rosemary Beach to their Halloween festival. They had trick or treating, pumpkin carving, games, food..... it was fun! Caroline dug Alex's old astronaut suit out of the play clothes box. Perfect! I didn't buy a Halloween costume this year for either one of them.... recycling costumes is awesome!

Alex's finished product!
Today after church, I was on a quest to get a good picture of the kids for our Christmas card. We first ventured out to Eden Garden state park. Beautiful old estate with a plantation house, and enormous live oak trees all over.

The troops were not being too cooperative on the picture front. I did manage to get a few shots, but I am saving those:) Here is one that didn't make the cut.

of course, Alex had to include this photo of a snake he saw slithering across the walk.... lovely.

hope you have a great week! I can't believe November is right around the corner!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Beautiful Day in October...

It has been an absolutely gorgeous October here in northwest Florida--everyone around has told me that October will be my favorite month, and it definitely has lived up to my expectations so far! Sunny, warm days and cool nights.

On Friday, Alex had a friend over, so Jason took them on their bikes down to Seaside to hang out in the square. They have this great, grassy open area where pick up games of baseball are frequently started... and that is exactly what happened! A bunch of kids showed up with a wiffle ball and bat, and they went to town.

Caroline and I showed up later to join in the fun.

When the sun set and it started to get chilly, we decided to go over to the air stream trailers to grab a bite to eat. I had to take a picture of my newest addiction--- Barefoot BBQ brisket nachos. Jason kept trying to steal bites and I had to shoo him off. I promise you I ate every bite.

The boys decided on grilled cheese sandwiches from The Meltdown, and Carolin, a hot dog. Just in case you are wondering, Alex's friend Trip is munching on a meatloaf grilled cheese sandwich.... interesting concept, but it looked pretty good, I have to admit.

I did get a little nostalgic after the Fall harvest sunsets in Indiana and missing the changing of the leaves. But the sunsets down here have been beautiful as well, in their own way.

have a great week! We are excited to have my parents in town this week! More pictures to come!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

What we have been up to.....

hello! sorry for the absence. My computer was having issues for a few days, and Jason had to fix them. Here's what we have been up to this week:

Soccer practices! This is Caroline having fun with my phone. Lovely.

Tuesday: Colby came over for dinner! Colby works at Pizza by the Sea and he loves Italian food, so I made him lasagna. The kids were so excited to have him over and we had a great evening!

Wed. : more soccer practice

Thursday: dance and dinner at Pizza by the Sea

Friday: Miss Sis had a sore throat and had to stay home from school. But she felt well enough to snuggle with The Fat Cat. He's thrilled.

And this, folks, is what cats are good for...... Making a bed out of the clean laundry you threw on the bed because you didn't have time to fold it.

Saturday: Soccer game and Trunk or Treat at church

I didn't get the costumes ordered in time, so we just went with what we could find around the house. Since Alex was already in his soccer clothes, he went as a soccer player, and Caroline wore her ballet costume from her last recital.

Sis hanging out by the car with her stash.

This picture freaks me out a little, but he had to get his face painted.

Painting pumpkins...

Sunday: Church and beach!

It was in the middle 80's today so it was a perfect day to enjoy the beach. Very relaxing after a busy week.

Have a fantastic week!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Fun Weekend

Hi y'all! (yes, some of that southern accent is starting to creep back in!) Hope you had a great weekend. We kicked off a long, 3 day weekend on Friday after school and are so happy that we don't have school tomorrow! (Monday) A ton of people are down at the beach for Fall Break, so it has been hustling and bustling around town.

Saturday morning started off with an early morning soccer game. This is Miss Sis sporting her new headband from my friend back in Indiana who started a company with her sister making cute accessories. Check out sassyfras creative creations on facebook for their cute stuff!

Another new Florida friend just opened her new shop in Grayton Beach. She makes women's and kids clothing-- and Caroline is wearing one of her cute designs! Check out Nicole Paloma on Facebook or here on her blog. Super cute things.

Here is my soccer man ready for action. He played goalie the first half. Goalie and offense are his favorite positions. He did a great job defending the goal and had some great saves.

After soccer, Caroline got ready to go to her friend Grace's birthday party. It was a dance party and she had so much fun getting ready for it. Here is the outfit she put together...

Afterwards, she brought home a cd with all of the music from the party. Cute idea! And we got to listen to the cha-cha slide about a billion times. 'everybody clap your hands.....'

This was taken before church today.....

The rest of the afternoon we spent at the beach. It was a red flag so it was really too rough to go out, but the we made some new friends from Atlanta. They have a house in our neighborhood and come down several times a year. They all played really well together.

We also brought Pepper down and let her run free for a few minutes. She happily chased the seagulls up and down the beach. We had to take her home when she spotted someone out in the surf and jumped in to join them. I think she kind of scared them!

The kids are all tuckered out and tucked in and mom is praying for an extra hour of sleep in the morning!

Monday, October 3, 2011

A Little Fun

I thought you all would like to see some of the pictures from our Pizza by the Sea photo shoot. We will be using these pictures in our advertising and marketing for the restaurant. These are some of my favorites! (All of these photos were taken at Grayton Beach by our photographer, Jackie Ward.)

This first one was shot after the shoot--- all of the kids ran out into the ocean for a swim after two long, hot hours posing for me and the photographer!

Our youngest model-- she is so precious!

Alex's friend Trip... isn't this one gorgeous!

All of the kids sitting on the edge of the dune lake....

Trip and his little brother, Hargett. This one is going to be on the front of the local newspaper this weekend!

I think this one is so sweet... it's like they are sharing a funny story between them.

Love this one of Miss Sis....

Brotherly love....

This captures his personality!

Just having fun!

Hope you enjoyed these! I love this part of my new job! :)